My work titled I am not that girl is an 11x14” digital collage, inspired by the works of Louise Noguchi. Noguchi’s Compilation portrait series combines two images, photographs of herself and those of criminals, through the weaving of physical prints. Similarly, in my work, I have “woven” two of my own photographs through digital alteration.
Both photos I have chosen are of myself. One image is my present headshot, a good representation of my career focused daily persona. The second image is of myself as a child. My collage seeks to comment on past and present self. Resolution was taken into consideration for this concept. The present image is of much higher resolution, while the past image is less clear. Often throughout my life, people make reference to the “little blond girl”. Consistently I am asked why I have changed so drastically. The message that I aim to convey in this collage is that; although I look the way I do now, people still manage to see the girl that I used to be. While I was once that girl, I have grown and am no longer. The illusion of weaving works metaphorically to demonstrate the work that has gone into becoming the person that I am in the present. Weaving also effectively combines both images, so that they may both be seen at the same time. I left some of the horizontal strips shorter to allude to a handmade quality.